Somatic Art Practice®
with Marina Tsartsara
Somatic and Arts based research methods
SAP® is about inter and transdisciplinary, personal and interpersonal embodiment of what we consist of. Explorations and discoveries through somatic and creative journeys of the world inside in relation to the world outside our skin and self: the others, the space and the natural world as a continuum.
The embodiment tools come from the somatic practice of Body-Mind Centering®, fine arts and visual arts (drawing, sculpture/installation, creative writing, photography and videodance).
The methodology of SAP
® is inter and transdisciplinary, somatic, and arts research based. The pedagogy is experiential, inquiry-based, relational and integrative.Experiential Anatomy and Somatic Movement (BMC®), Fine Arts, Visual Arts and creative writing interweave and layer offering consciousness and expansion from our individual somatic depths and meanings into collective connections and meanings. From the microworld of the cell to the macroworld we live, grow and relate in.
Connection with nature, personal and collective research processes, reflections and sharings will be basic parts of this art-life week.
Marina Tsartsara is a Dance and Visual Artist & educator (MSc), a Body-Mind Centering® Teacher in the official Body-Mind Centering® trainings in the UK, Spain & Greece. She is also the Administrative Director of the Greek BMC® program ISTOS.