//single-workshop-main Incognito Body - Unplugged Dance

Incognito Body

with Fernando Nicolás Pelliccioli & Carlos Osatinsky

Workshop Laboratory for Body Exploration and Creative Practices on Improvisation departing from practices of espaciopropio.augenblick, towards a skeleton dance.


In this workshop, we propose a creative laboratory inviting you to dive through possible cartographies of the body-space where we can reveal misty potentialities that are born and move us beyond the margins of the usual.

The meetings begin with practices of espaciopropio.augenblick, with the purpose of bringing our attention to the body-space, and ways of aligning ourselves in contact with our submerged geology: the bones that support us and their multiple deep interconnections.

We will propose concrete experiences of exploration and improvisation based on possible maps that offer a certain orientation for listening, wandering, and being in subtle contact with the question of how the unknown can be embodied, as a stranger, becoming other, fully entering into creative processes where the body and what happens between bodies becomes an access to the terra incognita that we are.

As sensitive explorers, we will navigate through the creative experience, opening ourselves to singular and shared territories where questioning is never exhausted, where our changing perception is always at play, and where the use of improvisation as a resource and procedure unfolds multiple spaces and lets go of the moving imagination to weave common worlds.

From the unknown body to the world as an unknown.

Explore, re_map, investigate without conquering, enter into terrains for elusive experiences, follow the flows, slopes, and channels of movement, smell and intuit, rest in the shadow, approach what is revealed, blur the edges, and immerse ourselves in the worlds that dance as an original practice to recognize ourselves.


Carlos Osatinsky & Fernando Nicolás Pelliccioli are contemporary dancers, performers, choreographers, explorers and facilitators of movement.

They have been developing a long research into movement as a way of developing processes in life and artistic practice for more than 20 years. They are guided by their interest in the reflexive interrelation between body and environment. In their work, they investigate and combine practices based on the principles of Klein Technique and Alexander Technique with their own search to address integral creation and learning processes. They offer a praxis that transcends the specificity of the scene towards a full and transformative inhabitation of the body in everyday life.