Antoinette Helbing (she/her) is a German dance artist and member of the artist-run platform Dance CooperativE in Copenhagen (DK). She divides her time between creating choreographic works, guest performing in dance works by others, a broad teaching practice, motherhood (two kids 10 & 8) and her practice within the Feldenkrais method. Her choreographic work is driven by her wish to create art that evokes the viewer's sense of belonging, of togetherness and empathy - seeing those attributes as patches for the holes in the world’s community. Our endlessly self-centered way of life is threatening both ecosystems and humanity. Societies are increasingly categorizing and exclusive while our physical closeness with each other reduces. And yet we are bodies - ripe, receptive, vulnerable and demanding. Despite the influence of the digital world that reduces our ability to sense ourselves and others. What does it mean to exist as a body in our modern world? As a reminder that we, beyond our instagram handles, are actual living and breathing beings, Antoinette creates experiences within and across bodies. Working towards connection, she addresses the empathic through multi-sensory experiences. Confronting with the sensual force of the moment, she makes the audience aware of themselves by their own sensual experience of themselves as spectators. She wishes to use her research within sensorial transference to transfer the performers’ sensations directly into the audience's body. In this bodily translation she sees the potential to fantasize, to sense and to think from another body's perspective. Her works can often be placed in borderline situations: fluctuating betweens dance, installation, concert and film. They might unfold in several versions that apply the artistic research in different formats - making it possible for all her works to perform outside of the theater space. With a simple touring setup and the flexibility to perform in a great variety of spaces she continuously expands her artistic research by performing her works.