//single-workshop-main MELT : Moving Waterscapes - Unplugged Dance

MELT : Moving Waterscapes

with Vasiliki Tsagkari

This experiential workshop proposes a relational exploration of the body and water.

Looking at the human body as a water body, we will investigate fluid ways to move, as well as fluid ways to be.

Through embodied explorations of body fluids, we will play with the perception of a liquid body.

We will study water as a kinetic force, practicing movement patterns like pulsing, waves, and spirals.

We will play with a liquid sense of gravity, moving with the weight of water.

We will engage in a process of generating liquid, fluid representations of the body, and in doing so, encounter the transformative attributes of fluids.

Finally, we will play with embodied imagery and scores in processes of dreaming of water with our bodies and dreaming our bodies as water.

The Moving Waterscapes workshop will involve studio practice as well as field study sessions in the land surrounding Paleohori.

We will work in ways of embodied listening and attentive movement with nearby streams, springs, and the sea. We will nourish the kinaesthetic dialogue between water and our bodies.

Through these sessions, we will actively engage with the local ecosystem, and we will acknowledge and build relationships with the local water subjects.

Moving Waterscapes is a workshop that wishes to create and hold a space that is responsive to the environmental crisis and climate change. It becomes articulated in the context of a world that deals with multiple imminent and current water crises, whether that means drought, floods, or pollution. Through the Moving Waterscapes practice, we suggest an experiential and somatic engagement with the possibility of adaptation to a climate-changed world—an adaptation that challenges consumerism and colonialism and invites us to a state of sentience, discovering again the sacredness of water as well as the deep affiliation of bodies of water to our own human bodies.

Moving Waterscapes is growing out of the MELT pedagogy, a pedagogy that is oriented towards granting agency to the more-than-human in dance and movement education.

MELT melts and molds together different influences and practices. The study of permaculture, the Skinner Releasing Technique of Joan Skinner, physical work in farming, and ecosomatic practices are some of the elements that are brought together, along with an intention to play and experiment.

Could we approach the pedagogy of dance through a sense of humbleness?

Could dance e-merge from the ground and spread beyond individuality?

Dance liquefies and becomes recomposed as a place of intimacy and, at the same time, discourse.

MELT has been developing through research and practice since 2023 in workshops, residencies, retreats, and festivals.


Η Βασιλική Τσαγκάρη ασχολείται με τη δική της παιδαγωγική χορού MELT από το 2022. Είναι πιστοποιημένη καθηγήτρια Skinner Releasing Technique (εισαγωγική) από το 2017.